Friday, October 20, 2006

McCain has a dream

John McCain should probably cancel his order for that custom made tie with the presidential seal on it. I don't think he'll be needing it after all. It's clear McCain has lapsed into pre-senile dementia.

In an appearance with Chris Matthews, McCain unveiled his "grand plan" to solve the morass of Iraq. He says all we need to do is send 100,000 more troops. He's unconcerned that we don't actually have that many troops to send and he's certain a draft to enlist more troops is completely unnecessary. He believes young people will flock to enlist in droves, just as soon as they realize how necessary the occupation is to the battle against terrorists.

As Glenn Greenwald reports, the first test of his theory did not go that well.
Matthews and McCain were appearing before an audience of college students at Iowa State University, and after McCain unveiled his grand serious Plan for Victory -- relying on spontaneous bursts of volunteers for combat in Iraq -- Matthews asked those in the audience who supported the war in Iraq to stand up. Large numbers of them bravely stood in support of the War. Matthews then asked those who plan to join the military to fight in Iraq to stand up. A tiny fraction of them did.
But not to worry. McCain is convinced that any day now, young folks will be flocking to enlist for combat duty in the meatgrinder of Iraq. Right. And no doubt the fearless 101st Fighting Keyboarders will be first in line at the recruitment office.
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