Saturday, November 05, 2005

Ney next to be indicted in Abramoff scandal?

The Impolitic has had her eye on Ney as a potential indictee in the emerging Abramoff scandal. He won't be the last. This little cabal, with their hands constantly in each other's pockets, is downright incestuous. Ney was just subpoenaed and of course denies any wrongdoing but feels it's otherwise "inappropriate to comment on an ongoing investigation."
Ney has received campaign contributions from Abramoff and has accepted favors, including dinners at the lobbyist's downtown restaurant, a fundraiser at the lobbyist's MCI Center box, and a golfing trip to Scotland in August 2002, according to public records, e-mails, interviews and documents obtained by The Washington Post.

As chairman of the powerful House Administration Committee, Ney promised to add language to a bill to reopen a casino for a Texas Indian tribe that Abramoff represented. After Ney agreed to prepare the legislation, Abramoff directed tribal officials to make three contributions totaling $32,000 to Ney's campaign and political action committees. A Ney spokesman recently said that money has been donated to Ohio charities.
You wonder just how recently the money was donated. One would guess it was probably around the time it became clear Abramoff would be indicted.
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