Sunday, September 25, 2005

Abramoff investigation set to hook more GOP

I'm wondering why all of sudden the Fed's are getting so effective in the Abramoff ethics investigation. I'm smelling some serious fishing going on here. First they get the small fry like David Safavian and now MSNBC floats Ohio Rep. Robert Ney, chairman of the House Administration Committee as a potential haul in the net. They even mentioned Tom "The Exterminator" DeLay himself, if not as a suspect, at least in context with the players.

Meanwhile Rove is conspiciously missing from the news stream. As I recall he was pretty cozy in that league of rogues. Not to mention we're pushing on to Fitzgerald's deadline, so why no news on the Plame investigation? I'm sensing a connection between the two and I'm wondering how many bridges Karl is willing to burn to keep the smokescreen going.

No honor among these thieves. They train for power by pulling dirty tricks on each other.
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