Friday, November 04, 2005

Don't mess with Fitzgerald

It's Down on the Media Day here at The Impolitic. I took a little nip at their heels in Detroit today but Jane Hamsher took a major bite out of the WSJ on their latest masquerade as First Amendment crusader. Here's my favorite line.
The WSJ is bleating like fair Nell tied to the railroad tracks, but their intent is pure Snidley Whiplash.
The pages were part of Judge David Tatel's concurring opinion in the ruling against Ms. Miller and Time magazine's Matthew Cooper. Judge Tatel said the eight pages showed that, with his "voluminous classified filings," Mr. Fitzgerald had "met his burden of demonstrating that the information [sought from the reporters] is both critical and unobtainable from any other source."

What helpful little GOP elves the Journal crowd are, trying to put Fitzgerald on the defensive. Who thought we'd long for days when they were happy to publish the fevered ditherings of dolphin worshipping knuckle-sucker Peggy Noonan.
Read it all for yourself. There's much more.
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