Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Frist and Hastert show

I would register my outrage over Frist and Hastert's transparent flag-waving ploy to distract from the Iraq lies of mass deception and other scandalous acts of GOP corruption but John at Americablog already said everything so eloquently. Read his post for the links but here's the money grafs.
This is what happens when one party controls the entire government for too long. The GOP has the White House, both houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court (7 of 9 justices are Republican appointees), and they've had them for years. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and fair-minded Republicans are now watching their party become more and more beholdened to the Terri Schiavo wing of the party; a corrupt minority of extremists who don't represent traditional Republican values, let alone American values.

It's a sad day when the Republican Senate leader and the Republican House leader don't care that our country is now acting as criminal, as brutal, and as immoral as the Soviet Union and other petty dictatorships we fought so many wars to defeat. They don't care about the crime, they only care that someone found out.

The GOP: Soft on treason, wrong for America.
I have nothing to add to that.
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