Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Anniversary of a stolen presidency

I need some dramamine after taking a tour through Bushtopia today. The apologists are working overtime to spin Harry Reid's kick butt maneuver out of the news cycle. It's like watching a thousand hamsters on their exercise wheels. I don't know why I bother. You've read one, you've read them all.

My favorite meme of the day, is the anniversary of George's "landslide win." Since they have no way to refute the obvious fact that the White House lied to take us to war and compromised our national security to cover it up, the Bush bloggers have resorted to that time worn refrain - He won the election, so get over it.

Maybe they missed the polls showing a growing number of Americans are asking for impeachment. They certainly missed the GAO report that confirms the accruing body of evidence proving the Bush White House deliberately tampered with the vote.

The details are a must read. It's as I always contended.
...the GAO report now confirms that electronic voting machines as deployed in 2004 were in fact perfectly engineered to allow a very small number of partisans with minimal computer skills and equipment to shift enough votes to put George W. Bush back in the White House.

Given the growing body of evidence, it appears increasingly clear that's exactly what happened.
I believed it to be true in 04 but I don't want to spend a lot of time assigning blame unless it helps to remove this administration. What's important is to fix the machine problem now. We need to insist on a paper ballot in 06 and that the count be done by the citizens; not by a private company whose owner vowed to deliver Ohio to Bush - and did.
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