Saturday, September 03, 2005

There's always time for outrage

I really like Colbert King and admire his work. I link to it often but he has really missed the mark in today's op-ed.
And outrage? It has its place. For that there are targets galore stretching from the New Orleans region to Washington. There will be plenty of time for fault-finding -- a task that we in Washington do oh so well. But not now. This is a time for action.
Screw that. I am sick and tired of being told that I should hold my criticism of this president, because we are at war, because it's too late to do anything about it or as this case, because there are victims who need attending to. Tell it to the White House.

The blame can be shared, but ultimately the root cause of all our current societal maladies resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If so many hadn't been intimidated into silence by a compliant media shouting "dissent at this time is unpatriotic," we might not have witnessed this disaster in the first place.

Start at point one, the pre-emptive invasion of Iraq that opened the cartoid artery of our national treasury and is bleeding our national security to death and connect the dots through all the policy decisions that chipped away at the safeguards that form the foundation of our formerly great society and the picture at the end is of a web of lies that has ensnared our citizens into a poisonous trap of false promises.

Help the victims in whatever ways we can - yes. Allow this White House to hide behind the skirts of suffering mothers holding dying children in their arms while they wait in vain for the government to deliver on its bogus promises of safety, in order to avoid accountability - an emphatic no!

The time for outrage is most definitely now. Perhaps if the howls of protest become loud enough, we can avoid such tragedy in the future.
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Blogger enigma4ever said...

Thanks for what you wrote- This is an outrageous period in history. You are welcome to vent over at my site anytime...this is a critical moment in our history and people have died due FAILED LEADERSHIP

1:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blaming Bush for this is proof that this blog is unworthy of my time in the future. People of this mindset cannot be reasoned with.

3:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The White House wants everyone to hold their rage in the hopes that, as time passes, all will be forgotten. And guess what... in this numb, idiot TV watching society, their ploy will work.

11:46:00 AM  

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