Sunday, September 04, 2005

GOP priorites

Well the GOP bully boys of the beltway say damn the critical needs of poor victims - full speed ahead in their plan to screw the working class. The Wapo reports,
Republican leaders intended to return to work with a dream agenda for small-government conservatives: permanent repeal of the estate tax, an extension of deep cuts to capital gains and dividend taxes, the first entitlement spending cuts in nearly a decade, and the advent of private investment accounts for Social Security.
Despite, the WaPo's comforting prediction that Katrina may have derailed their fast train to social chaos, last I heard, "House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) said he has every intention of pushing forward with the tax and spending cuts and Social Security legislation." I understand they intend to put the estate tax elimination up for vote on Tuesday, first thing on the agenda for when they reconvene.

Only a huge public outcry will stop this arrogant scheme to blast the cornerstones out of the foundation of our public trust. Now is the time to contact your Congresspeople. Email them today and call them first thing on Tuesday morning. Tell them what your priorities are.

That's the not only the best way you can help the victims of Katrina, it's also the best thing you can do to prevent Americans from becoming victims of this Congressional "private interest fest" in the future.

Be nice, but remind them who they are supposed to be working for. That would you.
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