Monday, September 05, 2005

Furious and furiouser

Newsweek on federal bureaucrats bickering over jurisdictional power while Americans die of thirst.

The essential Krugman on criminal ineptitude and contempt.

From the UK Guardian, the most overlooked point about this disaster.
In that sense, Katrina has been a disaster for the poor for the same reason that President Bush's social security proposals and economic policies have been. It was the result of small government - an inadequate, privatised response to a massive public problem. And if there was ever any bewilderment about why African-Americans reject such an agenda so comprehensively at every election, then this was why.

"No one would have checked on a lot of the black people in these parishes while the sun shined," Mayor Milton Tutwiler of Winstonville, Mississippi, told the New York Times. "So am I surprised that no one has come to help us now? No."
Mighty Middle on FEMA director Michael Brown - a man who doesn't know his head from a horse's ass.

Pensito Review on Rovian revisions of reality.
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