Sunday, September 04, 2005

Where do we go from here

It's all too much. I am so burned out with outrage about this disaster of a rescue effort that I can't bear to read anymore, but I can't stop reading either. I certainly can't turn on the TV. The images are overwhelming. I just flipped it on for three minutes, to hear about more families that became separated in the crush of being shoved on buses and then the buses didn't all go to the same places because the "refugee centers" filled up so fast.

The DHS spent 38 billion tax dollars to write a 400 page rule book and people are only finding each other by watching CNN? They're subjecting these traumatized evacuees - who have lost everything - to search after search and having them fill out forms, but they can't set up a central internet database so the families can find each other while they're being "processed?" As far as I'm concerned, this goes beyond incredible ineptitude into the realm of criminal neglect.

I can't talk about it anymore today but here's what I'm reading.

Crooks and Liars, as always, has the up to the minute links to everything, along with the video.

Shakespeare's Sister voices my anger so eloquently that it calms me down for a moment. And here's what I really wanted to say this morning.

A rescue helicopter crashes.

This story will be a sleeper if the White House can help it. US accepts UN assistance for Katrina relief efforts. Anybody remember when we last needed UN help with a domestic disaster? I don't.

The Rude Pundit nails the cultural divide in the Big Easy between those who visit the poor for fun and go home and those who live there and he does it without even cussing once.

A week after the fact and our crack DHS teams have only managed to confirm 59 dead. Texas is inundated with homeless black people. This is such a long way from over and before it's done, it will challenge every American's definition of racism.
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