The ultimate in outsourcing

"The climate is warm, there's no shortage of exotic food, and the cost of living is rock bottom. That's IBM (NYSE: IBM)'s pitch to the laid-off American workers it's offering to place in India. The catch: Wages in the country are pennies-on-the-dollar compared to U.S. salaries.An IBM spokesman said, "A lot of people want to work in India." The workers should think of it as an opportunity to "expand their life experience."
Under a program called Project Match, IBM will help workers laid off from domestic sites obtain travel and visa assistance for countries in which Big Blue has openings. Mostly that's developing markets like India, China, and Brazil."
Hah. If they're only going to be paid the going rate in the host country, their life experience will involve living in tin shack. I know a lot of people who have been to India. I understand it's really hot and very dirty. If you can't afford the upscale hotels, it's not that pleasant a lifestyle. And what about the schools for their children? There's a reason the skilled labor in these countries fight so hard to get work visas here. [graphic]
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Labels: Corporatocracy, economy, Workers Rights
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