Saturday, June 06, 2009

Moving in

Well I survived the moving out of the Triangle and I'm now an official resident of a new town. The new place has some unexpected bad features but also has some good ones, the main being proximity to my Dad and Mom and the birds in the backyard. It's like a little wildlife sanctuary back there. I'll have more to say once my internet access at home is set up. Hoping my installation kit will arrive today.

So far the worst disaster has been that I discovered I only have one live phone jack in the house so I had to switch the bedroom and the computer room. Moved the furniture myself. Neither the bed or the desk are all that heavy, but I'm feeling it in my back all the same this morning.

Meanwhile, I'm stealing a few moments at a borrowed access point to let you know I'm still alive. Funny. I was only offline for a couple of days. It feels more like I've been out of touch for a couple of years. I feel very disconnected from the world without the internets.

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