Thursday, February 05, 2009

DEA defies Obama policy

Dear President Obama:

I know you have a lot to deal with right now, but you did promise to end this insanity, so could you please call the hold-over cretins in charge of the DEA and tell them to stop wasting our tax dollars on stupid and unneccessary raids on sick people who use herbal medicines?



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Blogger Cosa Nostradamus said...

If I were a real conservative, I'd want to disband the DEA. They are an utter and complete failure at stopping hard drugs, they waste a vast amount of taxpayer money, they are a huge Federal bureaucracy, and they send armed "jackbooted thugs in black helicopters" to kick in the wrong doors in an attempt to limit our Gawd-given individual rights to get wasted and make money off of it.

If I were a real liberal, I'd be up in arms over the trampling of civil liberties, the unchecked and unsupervised growth of a corrupt and incompetent Federal police force of dubious purpose, the repression of a counter-cultural means of celebration, and the side-tracking of a legitimate medical issue into the arena of the law.

What was I saying?

Oh, yeah. But I'm WAAAY to stoned to be either of those things. [tee-hee-hee]

Wait, wait, wait! Then who IS for this nonsense? Oh, yeah, the cops. It's an employment program for them. Dude, they need to like mellow out. Totally.

6:41:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

LOL Cosa. I've never understood why the DEA exists. Seems to me they've caused more harm than good from the get go.

9:21:00 AM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

The history is fascinating - and disgusting. They really did start as a way to get back to the glory days of futile and counterproductive law enforcement before prohibition was repealed.

But yes, it's a dangerous drug, or maybe I should say DANGEROUS since it does irreversible brain damage making you a criminalrapistmurderer and it also makes you a fat, unmotivated, unproductive slug useless to society just like Michael Phelps.

Wait a minute - that's bullshit, isn't it?

9:47:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

I can't wait for the anti-drugs ads featuring Phelps -- this is your body on drugs....

10:37:00 AM  
Blogger Cosa Nostradamus said...

' But yes, it's a dangerous drug, or maybe I should say DANGEROUS since it does irreversible brain damage making you a criminalrapistmurderer and it also makes you a fat, unmotivated, unproductive slug useless to society just like Michael Phelps. '

We're talking about beer, now, right?

Cuz that's legal. At least, it was last night. That was last night, wasn't it?

It's funny. The most rabid "conservatives" are always willing to spend unlimited amounts of money on "law & order" and "national security," even when the money has a negative effect. They're not against big government, just good government. Like "socialized medicine."

Let's just put them all in a lifeboat and set it adrift. In space.

12:16:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Cosa, you sound like my Dad. :)

9:00:00 AM  
Blogger Cosa Nostradamus said...

Ah, yeah... I've been meaning to talk to you about that...

1:58:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

You teh funny today.

2:55:00 PM  

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