Saturday, November 17, 2007

Random thought

By Libby

I would probably get a lot more blogging done if I didn't spend so much time hanging out in John Cole's comment section. I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something I love about the community over there. It reminds me in a way of what Rob Smith's comment section was like at Gut Rumbles, only the Balloon Juicers are more academic and less redneck and mostly a whole lot more liberal.

But somehow it has that family feel that I've been missing since Rob died and besides, those folks over at JC's are very welcoming to newcomers and funny as hell. I'm thinking of it as sort of auditing a class on snark. God knows I could use the help. I'm only funny when I'm trying to be serious. My best laugh lines have always been inadvertent.
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