Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Smooth Skating Of Scooter

I have been pretty much in a news blackout the last few days and I haven't read the first post anywhere on Scooter's skate, but don't you think that it's just a continuing attempt to get Scooter to keep his trap shut?

Bush knows that Scooter won't have to pay the fine out of his own pocket, what with all the sobbing right-wingers digging deep to help out old Scooter. What's an extra few million anyway? All that's left is two years of probation and that's nothing anyway.

As soon as his majesty sees that Scooter is going to keep quiet then he'll just make the whole thing go away. After all, in the Bush Administration, lying to the authorities is a daily necessity. It's the republican equivalent of being a "made man". You can't be trusted until you've lied to a federal prosecutor or the FBI and kept your mouth shut.

Maybe I'm wrong but aren't most sentences commuted after you start serving them? Oh well, these are all just technicalities to those who wield unlimited executive power. I guess when Bush took his oath of office he got around it by crossing his eyes.

Can you believe that we still have over a year and a half to tolerate these insufferable bastards?

Oh well, on the 3rd of July it's natural to think revolutionary and seditious thoughts.

Jim Martin

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Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

Hey now its time for you and me
Got a revolution got to revolution
Come on now were marching to the sea
Got a revolution got to revolution
Who will take it from you
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of america

6:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, first words out of my mouth when the news broke was,"Bush wants to insure Scooter's silence." I think we do need a revolution and we need to change the way our government works because the old way doesn't work any more. The president should be chosen by a lottery into which all eligible, reasonably educated American citizens must be entered - no exceptions. Anyone who WANTS to be president needs to be taken out back and shot. The one that's chosen needs to be dragged to the White House and told they can go home and get their life back in 4 years, ONLY if they do a good job. If they don't do a good job, they have to stay another 4 years. We also need to burn DC to the ground and move the Capitol to the middle of the country. How's that for revolutionary? :)

8:26:00 PM  
Blogger Jim Martin said...

Well, I like it. Of course I would like any method that is the opposite of the one we are using now.

6:10:00 AM  

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