Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Re-election Republicans on the run from Iraq

By Libby

I've had another really long day so this is the first and only news I'm reading tonight. I'm glad I caught it because I've been wanting to see what my Senator is doing. It seems our national security adviser is making the rounds on the Hill just about daily to drum up support for the forever part of the "war," but he's finding harder to sell that snake oil -- even to my rubberstamp GOPer.
At least 10 Republicans in recent weeks have said the United States should start reducing the military’s role in Iraq, with the latest challenge to the president’s Iraq strategy coming Tuesday from Sen. Elizabeth Dole.

“Simply put, our troops have been doing a great job, but the Iraqi government has not,” Dole, R-N.C., said. “Our commitment in Iraq is not indefinite, nor should the Iraqi government perceive it to be. It is my firm hope and belief that we can start bringing our troops home in 2008.”
I lived in western Massachusetts for thirty years. I've always had liberal Democrats in office representing me. It's been an odd experience to have inherited Liz as my Senator when I moved here. I've been emailing her regularly to let her know I'm disappointed in her votes and am inclined to work towards unseating her in 08. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

She rarely bothers to reply, but it's good to know she's listening.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Libby, I'm in NC, too, and Dole has never once replied to any phone call, email, or letter I have sent to her office. Of course, I didn't expect much from her, seeing as she's a first-class water carrier, but I cannot help but think of the long letters I would receive from Henry Waxman on every topic. Would that we had more like him!

11:39:00 PM  

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