Saturday, June 16, 2007

Bush Demands Fiscal Restraint, Six Years Too Late

After just finishing 18 of the hardest golf holes in my life, and I was just watching, I made a quick perusal of the news. What was the first thing I saw? Bush telling the democrats they need to use some fiscal restraint or he was going to veto something. Now usually when you hear a line like that delivered Letterman would pause for a moment, smirk and then let the audience take over and laugh and jeer. But no, I swear to God, Bush actually said it. Now it was on the radio and you couldn't see him but there is no way he could have kept a straight face.

I read the rest of the article and I want to thank the president for reminding us what a bunch of lying, lowdown, money grubbing bastards those republicans really are.
“The American people do not want to return to the days of tax-and-spend policies,” Bush said in his radio address.
Well, George, read my lips, it would have been your father's administration that last did that.
The House passed a $37 billion budget for the Homeland Security Department on Friday, but Republicans rallied enough votes to uphold a promised veto from Bush.
The measure — one of several annual spending bills that Congress began to consider this week — exceeds Bush’s request for the department by $2.1 billion.
$2.1 billion is not pocket change but let's just keep in mind that this little war in Iraq, the one Mr. Bush and the republicans are the sole owners of, has now cost the taxpayers $560 billion. You want to see what that will buy, look here. But thanks anyway Mr. President for reminding us about the total corruption and unprincipled spending of the republican congresses from 2000-2006. Oh yes, thanks for not vetoing any of the republican spending bills. The fact that all of you spent like drunken sailors was directly responsible for their ouster last November. Tax and spend actually sounds better than don't tax and still spend.
He said that in January, the House passed a rule that called for full disclosure of earmarks. To give the public a chance to peek at earmarks, he said the administration has started posting them on a web site called
It's good to see that you finally got basic conservative 101 down pat there George, but it's too late for you to make any difference, the republicans have already spent my grandchildren's grandchildren's money and all the tax breaks for rich people won't bring it back.
When they ran the House, Republicans larded legislation with these pet projects. But on Thursday, they were the ones forcing Democrats to be more open about Congress’ pork barrel ways.
Do as we say, not as we do. Of course, let's not forget Jack Abramoff and Duke Cunningham and Tom DeLay and the people convicted in the Abramoff scandal directly tied to republican earmarks.

So I want to thank you Mr. Bush for reminding us why we voted that bunch of republican bastards out of office last year and why we need to clean the rest of them out next year.

We need a firm democratic majority in 2008 Mr. President. Just keep doing what you've been doing and keep reminding us of it.

Jim Martin

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could say a bunch of stuff but that's the most helpful thing i can post

12:43:00 PM  

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