Friday, March 02, 2007

Obama reaches out to the poor - Right wing horrified

I hate to link to this nutfringe rag but I see the National Corner's hotline blog posts a YouTube of Obama asking for money. Speaking in, as the Hotline puts it, in "fairly impoverished Cleveland," Obama asks the people to donate five bucks to his campaign.

The implication here is how dare he ask poor people for five bucks? I have to ask since when have the rightwingers given a flying leap about poor people? These are the same people trying to eliminate "entitlement" programs and slice the social safety net right out from under poor Americans. These are the same people who are horrified by an paltry increase in the minimum wage. These are the same people who push the elimination of the estate tax so the Waltons can save something like $40 billion in taxes and want to the poor people to foot the loss in revenue. How dare the wingnuts be so crass as to use impoverished citizens simply to smear a Democratic candidate? It's digusting.

And what is the greater meaning in this post? That only corporations and billionaires should be allowed to fund campaigns? The whole trouble with our political system today is it's bought and paid for by campaign contributions from the top down. Obama is right to ask the little guy to buy into his candidacy. From the bottom up is the way public campaigns are supposed to work in a democracy.

I'm not surprised the right wingers want to nip that sort of thing in the bud. They would never make it on public financing because their ranks may be loud and monied, but they're small. God forbid the rest of us rabble would find a voice by pooling our meager resources. We might elect someone who would expect wealthy Republicans to -- gasp -- pay their fair share of taxes.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps they are afraid that if the poor help Obama to succeed, they might feel empowered. Wouldn't want poor folks to figure out that they CAN make a difference and that they have a voice. I think anyone rich or poor should support their candidate any way they can. If not five bucks maybe they can volunteer time for phone work, etc.

6:47:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Good point Rocky.

6:04:00 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

So the right-wingers are outraged that Obama would ask the poor to donate $5 to his campaign? What hypocrites. They don't have a problem asking poor people to give up their LIVES for their war based on lies. In fact, they depend on the poor to keep their recruitment levels from falling even lower.

1:39:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Kathy! So good to see you. I feel terrible that I've been so remiss in visiting my blogroll. Good point as always and I hope you and yours are well and warm. I see you've been getting some weather up there.

3:51:00 PM  

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