Friday, March 02, 2007

My own personal surge

Power surge that is. Apparently I slept through a hell of a storm last night. It took down a major tree that hit the power lines and blew a transformer causing a power surge. Miraculously I only lost my heat, my refrigerator, my microwave, my modem and my TV. That fifty dollar surge protector I cursed my friend for making me buy, saved the computer. Kev, I take back all the mean things I said when I opened that protector and found a 22 page instruction manual.

Meanwhile I spent the entire day with my landlord, the electrician, the cable guy, the heating guy, my friend John and the plumbers. Since they were all trooping through the house anyway, I had them fix the plumbing problems I was putting off dealing with. I'll be posting the gory details at Last One Speaks later.

Needless to say, I'm just getting to the news and I doubt I'll post much tonight. I still have this miserable cold and I'm worn out from so much activity in one day. I haven't had a day like this since I left the law firm.
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Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

Would it make you feel better to hear how I had three direct hurricane hits in 18 months, a month without power or phones and $45,000 in property damage? :-)

9:32:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Yikes Fogg, how horrible. I don't feel better. Actually I feel kind of dumb of whining about such a easy to solve disaster.

9:40:00 AM  

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