Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Living in limbo

Digby has a long post on a case I want to learn more about. It appears we have a live matter still pending in the judical system that raises the same issues as the Padilla case. "Ali Al-Marri, a legal US immigrant has been held in the same limbo as Jose Padilla for years." From his lawyer:
Jonathan Hafetz: Certainly, the issue is very much live, and presents a danger to us all insofar as the government is asserting the right to strip any one of us of all due process rights and constitutional protections. So yes, that is definitely still the case– Al-Marri's immigration status as opposed to citizenship doesn't change that.
Digby's somewhat depressing post starts off with two Chinese Muslims who have been wrongfully held in Gitmo, whose appeal was just denied hearing at SCOTUS. Talk about limbo. They're not charged with anything but the US doesn't want them released unless someone will take them. They can't send them back home because they'd be tortured and worse. The US won't let them into our country and no one else wants them. So they rot in Cuba without due process or any recourse whatsoever.

Not unlike the no-fly fiasco, once named an enemy combatant, you're on that list for life. Guilt or innocence and rule of law do not apply, for these are the edicts of our Leaker in Chief. All hail the Great and All Powerful Decider.
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