Saturday, March 25, 2006

Would you believe it's a solution?

I don't know quite to make of the Russian spies who tipped off Saddam story. I tend to agree with Steve Soto's take.
...Rummy and Tommy Franks spent more time using the Russians to plant misinformation with Saddam about our battle plans than they spent in actually writing up an effective plan for the occupation and post-invasion security. This sounds typical Bush Administration to me, which is why I believe it. They are better at misinformation and deceit than they are on actually developing winning strategies or policies.
Steve also catches a more interesting development that I missed. According to Eleanor Clift's Newsweek piece, Poppy Bush is sending in the big guns to bail Junior out of the Iraq mess. Daddy at least realizes that his darlin' boy's stance of "I'm staying until I leave office and let the next guy figure out how to win it," isn't going to win any hearts and minds of Americans. Steve has the lowdown on the new congressionally mandated bi-partisan Iraq Study Group to be led by none other than James Baker, joined by such heavyweights as Vernon Jordan. But here's the real surprise. The group and its mission are being endorsed by none other than Valerie's Plame's hubby Joe Wilson.

Doesn't sound like it's going to be pretty and I'm not so sure that the Group will be able to break through the cone of silence around the Oval Office, but like Steve says, it beats the heck out of what we got now.
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