Monday, March 20, 2006

A refreshing headline

After being subjected to endless pronouncements on the sorry state of the Democratic Party's message, it's nice to read this. GOP Struggles To Define Its Message for 2006 Elections [Warning. Do not read quote while drinking].
"If you are someone who favors small government," Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman said, "you're going to have a clear choice between someone who has cut taxes every year in office, who believes you ought to own your own health care . . . and who plans to cut the deficit over five years versus people who have consistently supported more spending, have opposed tax cuts and who oppose patients owning their own health care. The question is, who's on your side for reducing the size of government?"
Too funny for words. The GOPers will of course be hedging their bets by pulling the tried and true wedgie and will be trying to inflame that dependable homo-hatred in the troops with a new anti-gay marriage bill.

Short version of the GOP platform. "Yeah we're bad but the Democrats are even worse and at least we don't love queers." It may be the long term perception that Democrats are ineffectual will help them in 06 after all. Hard to pin the blame on the Dems when they haven't managed to do anything, good or bad in five years.

I suppose the Dems will counter with their new slogan, "We are so better." --sigh-- So far it's shaping up to be a dismal election year.
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Blogger Unknown said...

"...who plans to cut the deficit over five years versus people who have consistently supported more spending..."

If this is what the GOP plans on running with in the coming months, jeepers, I hope that someone from the Dem side will stand up and call them all the stinking liars that they are.

What the heck ever happened to fiscally responsible "conservatives" anyway? All "conservatives" care about these days is demonizing gays and lesbians.

"So far it's shaping up to be a dismal election year."

If the Dems don't stand up to be counted, I swear to God, I'l cheerfully vote them out of office and kick them while they're down. I'm sick to death of cowardly Dem elected officials running to the "right" to get elected.

11:38:00 PM  

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