Thursday, September 01, 2005

Goggle thyself

I am such a dork. I never bothered to figure out how to track my links so every once in a while I goggle my name to see what comes up. I'm ridiculously pleased to find out that I was dissected by Dean Esmay. Not only that but he parsed a DetNews post. I don't think anyone has ever done that before. And it's funny I was just thinking I wanted to put up some quotes on the side bar like the other bloggers do. This will be my first one.
Detroit News political blogger Libby Spencer delivered this week's best string of consecutive non-sequiturs in one sentence...
Of course as usual, I just found out and it's unfortunate because I have a great answer, but the post is from June and a lot has happened since then. Treasongate for one. The Air Force One memo for another. I wonder whether Dean would still aver those points today. Nevertheless I appreciate his criticism and I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to respond.

I also just found the second quote. I'd forgotten about this exchange. It happened shortly after I joined the DetNews blog. I think I'm at about 1,000 posts there since then. I have to admit I was little over-anxious in those days. Anyway from my former and very first co-blogger in Detroit, Ed Brayton at Dispatches from the Culture Wars.
I don't know you Libby, but I recommend A) reading and thinking a tad bit more before making statements, and B) considering therapy for this kneejerk persecution complex you obviously have.
Still it makes me laugh and I know Karen and Annie are laughing too. That was a funny summer.

These are not about me but I kind of wish they were

...As promised, Libby Spencer express mailed the checks out the day the winery received the names.

...sister Libby Spencer; 47 grandchildren; and 49 great-grandchildren. ...

That's a lot of kids. Maybe I don't wish that one was about me, but think about the family reunions. I'd bet they're rollicking, but they must have to use name tags.
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