Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hell no, they won't go

I've been meaning to post this. BuzzFlash has a petition that's worth signing. Here's what it says.
"I demand that George W. Bush's daughters, and his eligible nieces and nephews, serve in Iraq to prove their support of Bush's 'noble war for a noble cause.' If the Bush family does not believe in 'sacrificing' for the war and is not willing to put their lives on the line, then Bush must bring the troops of middle class and poor Americans home now."
Amazingly, it's already generated some buzz in the media with Washington Post columnist, Terry Neal, calling the White House to ask for a comment. They were surprised that no one had ever asked why no one in the Bush family was fighting for this "noble cause." It took them hours to come up with this response.
"There are many ways for people to serve their country and to help make the world a better freer and more peaceful place. The president is grateful to all of those who have answered the call to service whether it's in the military or in another capacity and members of his family have done both."
Emphasis on "another capacity." Guess somebody has to keep all those NY nightclubs in business. Neal ends by saying, "The question is whether the president urged his daughters, or his other enlistment-age relatives, to join a cause he has described as noble. And the answer to that question is still unknown."

I would venture a guess that the answer to that is a resounding, "Hell no."

Update: Welcome WaPo readers. Thanks for the encouragement Terry.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proves cowardice and hypocrisy are genetic.

4:31:00 PM  

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