Thursday, September 01, 2005

Bush's reptilian response to victims' desperation

I'm appalled at the callous disregard by our president for the refugees of New Orleans. Picture this scenario.
Outside the Convention Center, the sidewalks were packed with people without food, water or medical care, and with no sign of law enforcement. Thousands of storm refugees had been assembling outside for days, waiting for buses that did not come.

At least seven bodies were scattered outside, and hungry, desperate people who were tired of waiting broke through the steel doors to a food service entrance and began pushing out pallets of water and juice and whatever else they could find.
An old man in a chaise lounge lay dead in a grassy median as hungry babies wailed around him. Around the corner, an elderly woman lay dead in her wheelchair, covered up by a blanket, and another body lay beside her wrapped in a sheet.
Someone else crashed open a nearby Rite-Aid which was immediately swarmed by people looking for water and ramen noodles. People are clearly dying from exposure and lack of essentials and what are our "leaders" worried about? Looting!!!
The president urged a crackdown on the lawlessness.

"I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this - whether it be looting, or price gouging at the gasoline pump, or taking advantage of charitable giving or insurance fraud," Bush said. "And I've made that clear to our attorney general. The citizens ought to be working together."
Yeah, and leaving people hungry while there are locked supplies of food and water all around them ought to be a criminal offense. Why the hell isn't the king of tax cuts asking those business owners to pitch in and take care of their fellow man?

Personally I have a zero tolerance for a dunderheaded president who is more concerned about the interests of his big business pals than in the welfare of people whose only crime is being poor. It's said that a society will be judged by how it treats the least of its citizens. Looks to me like Mr. Bush has failed the test and demeans not only himself, but our entire country, with such cold-blooded remarks.
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Blogger LUVNTHOTS said...

Thanks for noticing. Bush can be so absurd sometimes.

3:07:00 PM  
Blogger No Blood for Hubris said...

Recall Bubble Boy's own words: "Poor people are poor because they're lazy."

11:44:00 PM  

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