Sunday, August 28, 2005

Got my MoDo workin

Maureen Dowd in the NYT tells us the W has "jumped the couch." Really. He's starting to make Tom Cruise look like the soul of reason.

Mo takes us a link filled tour of the week's events, stopping by the Brown Nose barbecue at Prarie Chapel ranch held for the White House butt kissers of the laughably termed press corps and pops in on Gary Hart who is on futile quest to find courage at the DNC.

However, the important story this week is on the purging of respected statistician Lawrence Greenfeld, appointed by President Bush in 2001, for daring to use actual scientific methodology that revealed "black and Hispanic drivers were treated more aggressively by the police after traffic stops. The Justice Department study showed markedly higher rates of searches and use of force for black and Hispanic drivers, compared with white drivers."

Greenfield refused to delete the reference from a Bureau of Justice Statistics press release so he's out while the evil White House minion who demanded the damning information be suppressed, that being his supervisor, Tracy Henke, was rewarded for her loyalty to spin machine with a nomination for a senior post in the Homeland Security Department.

Brings new meaning to the term Bushwhacked.
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