Monday, August 15, 2005

All the world's a stage

Hot link of the day is to Murray Waas at The Village Voice with What Now Karl. He walks us through yet another damning timeline in the unfolding saga of the Plame leak. This story is beginning to feel like a Cecil B. De Mille epic with a cast of thousands. But the main characters are always Rove and his minions.

Waas examines the twists in the plot line that saw Ashcroft vanquished and brought Fitzgerald into the picture. In a way this part of the story feels more like the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Fitzgerald was meant to carry the ring of power, but not by its creator.

It's good that his investigation is almost complete, because the White House is belatedly trying to rewrite the script by forcing out Deputy Attorney General Comey and bringing in long time close personal friend of President Bush, Associate Attorney General Robert McCallum to oversee Fitzgerald's work. This on top of Pat Roberts threatening Senate Intelligence Committee hearings on how the CIA is handling its covert agents suggests the Lord of Darkness is marshalling his forces for a last ditch stand.

Here's hoping the ending stays to true to the book, and Fitzgerald destroys the root of their evil force before he sails off in his own grey ship to the mythical land where the ring bearers go to rest.
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