Saturday, January 07, 2012

Behind every great man...

Everybody is buzzing about Jodi Kantor's new book about the Obamas. Not unexpected. I mean, who doesn't love insider gossip about famous people? Interesting range of reactions to the excerpts about Michelle Obama in the NYT. Lot of people seem to be taking it as a slam on the FLOTUS, or on POTUS, or on both. Or on Democratic presidents and their wives.

I'm with John Cole on this one. I thought Michelle came off looking impressive. Shorter version: FLOTUS is a very smart, very strong woman with a clear-eyed perspective and good political instincts who fiercely supports and protects her husband's legacy while establishing her own separate identity. Also, nobody gets along with, or particularly likes, Rahm. But we all knew that already.

[More posts daily at the Detroit News.]

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