Nuts from the same family tree?

Could explain why Jonah seems to have such an odd fixation with fascism. In fact it could explain a lot about Jonah. [Graphics via and arkansasgopwing.]
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Labels: dangerous idiots, Wingnuts
Wouldn't THAT be ironic....Hitler having a grandson named Goldberg! Hah!
(maybe someone should give that idea to QT for a sequel to his WWII rewrite)
It's not chronologically impossible and you do have to admit that the resemblance is uncanny.
Sara, if you want to advertise your service, buy a text ad.
Many times facial hair is used by men to hide something or make them appear, in their own minds, tough. Goldberg is trying to hide that he is a deluded right wing fool. Albeit well paid but heck. For the right money, who wouldn't parrot a few right wing talking points?
I wouldn't. Parrot rw talking points for money. But then, I believe in karma.
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