Sunday, July 19, 2009

Taibbi v. Goldman Sachs

I had been collecting links for a long time on Goldman Sachs intending to do a post summarizing the situation. Unfortunately, the document I was saving them in became corrupted and I lost most of the links. Which is just as well I suppose. I decided to post the series at DetNews where it has a better chance of being seen by elected politicians. And besides, you highest common denominator readers don't need the education.

I am however going to post the links I've reassembled, in case you missed any and to archive them so I don't lose them again. My first post at DetNews is here if you care to see how I'm framing it. Otherwise, here's the links for your reading pleasure.

If you missed Matt Taibbi's original long form article at Rolling Stone, it's now available in its entirety. I reread it in writing the DetNews and got pissed off all over again. Take your BP medication before reading.

The other link to keep handy is Taibbi's blog at True Slant. But in particular, this post on Goldman's "profits" is a keeper. As is this one featuring video of Max Keiser publicly stating, Goldman Sachs are scum who should be in jail.

On a related note, this posted by the good Dr. Krugman, riffing off Taibbi's profit post is also worth a read. It's hard to see, in the face of all this blatant white collar robbery, why people aren't in the streets with pitchforks and torches demanding that these scumsuckers be brought to justice instead of being bailed out.

[More posts daily at The Detroit News]

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