Well it's Thursday so I have a post up at
Art Of The Possible. It's such a bleak post, no one even wants to comment on it, but it fit my mood on this cold and gloomy day here in the south. I've been posting away at Detroit News (link below) on the bailout and I don't have much to add to it here. It's clear that
nobody knows WTF is going on or what this bill will actually do, but by golly, the idiot Democrats are going to pass some piece of corporate ass kissing garbage that will piss everyone off except the lobbyists on K Street and somehow allow the Republicans to come out of this looking like they were the ones fighting against the corporate giveaways.
Palin's second interview with Katie Couric is circulating. Her take on Russia is especially enlightening.
I agree with the "too dismal to want to comment on" comment. Going on eight years of the bush/CHENY dominion leaves a body feeling a bit peaked at times. The fates must have been having a riot of a good time when they wove our live's timelines this election season. It has been said many times before but the McCain/Palin ticket has actually set out to prove that old chestnut "politicians have no shame"! Admittedly they targetted some low-hanging fruit there but they are personally proving that old saw, daily.
I was having a very bad day yesterday Pat. It's hard to be optimistic while you're watching these cretins run our country into the ground.
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