Monday, August 04, 2008

This is what's wrong with our media

By Libby

Pushing what appears to be an emerging meme, that McCain is just an unwilling victim of his strategists, Chuck Todd says the McCain campaign's current strategy is great, and the only problem is that John isn't comfortable being a smear artist. Here's a couple of his 'pearls of wisdom.'
If you were to diagnose the best way to go at Obama in the midst of this disastrous Republican environment, you might come up with the tactics the McCain brain trust unveiled this week: Paint Obama as a bit full of himself, over-confident, elitest and out of touch. ...

Making light of Obama's pop icon status and trying to use it as a way to undermine his serious presidential credentials is a good one.
Good for whom Chuckles, besides the overpaid media elites like yourself who are too damn lazy to delve into issues and prefer to natter on endlessly about the dynamics of the horserace instead of fact checking on erroneous campaign claims and putting together compare and contrast pieces on policy. Instead we get 'deep analysis' like this.
Then there’s the common touch issue – something Obama has struggled with. While he’s terrific in a big crowd and seems to feed off the emotion of a large rally, he’s not as nimble or as approachable when he’s in a smaller format. I’ve always been surprised by his awkwardness in this campaign – when I see his inability to touch a shoulder or put an arm around someone when they’ve asked a personal or emotionally-charged question. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were masters of the common touch.
Geez Chuck, you think that has anything to do with the fact that he's black and you and your cohorts are doing everything you can to promote the "scary Negro" meme for your buddy McCain? It's no stretch to imagine what would happen if Barack was photographed with his arms around a couple of white women. Hell, McCain is already trying to invent such poses to plant the false fear that Obama wants to sex up yer wimmen.

Every day I'm more convinced that the best path to reclaiming our government is to break up the media conglomerates and get rid of the gossip mongers that are currently posing as news analysts.

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Blogger realist said...

"you and your cohorts are doing everything you can to promote the "scary Negro" meme for your buddy McCain?"

Do you have a link to, or even a transcript of one of the McCain "Scary negro" ads?

That's rather antiquated language, too.

12:42:00 PM  
Blogger realist said...


re "Every day I'm more convinced that the best path to reclaiming our government is to break up the media conglomerates and get rid of the gossip mongers that are currently posing as news analysts"

Thankfully, there is a First Amendment, which protects people from such censorship. If if they happen to say things that contradict our own personal politics.

Besides, that has nothing to do with government (except that to follow your recommendations would be a great leap in the direction of huge, fascist government power). Your proposal would censor the hell out of the media, while doing nothing to government or "taking it back".

I think we would do well to follow the old statement "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

2:48:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

Clever bit of sophistry that, but breaking up monopolies is not censorship, it's a tool to prevent corporate censorship. I know you think you rode in here on a high horse, but it's much smaller and has long ears and I suspect it may be a jackass.

If the "the fist bump means she's a terrorist" meme launched by fox isn't enough evidence for you, you simply don't want to see evidence.

4:30:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Fogg, I have a feeling realist is our old troll dickhead or whatever his last nick was with a new identity.

5:55:00 PM  
Blogger realist said...

"but breaking up monopolies is not censorship"

There are no monopolies being discussed. You haven't even named one. However, if the government is busting up media companies in order to affect or change the content, then there is censorship going on.

"it's a tool to prevent corporate censorship."

That sentence was sort of self-contradicting.

"If the "the fist bump means she's a terrorist" meme launched by fox isn't enough evidence for you"

That proves my paragraph above. Of course it is censorship, since the main thing driving the desire to have the government whomp Fox is that someone there said something that should be silenced.

Sorry, someone in media saying something stupid does not fire up a desire in me to censor... ahem "break up monopolies in order to silence undesirable content".
(As if monopoly even applies at all. Fox News is just one of many cable nets)

Libby: I'm rather new here, only discovered these blogs a few days ago. But if you want me gone from your "everyone seems to have the same ideology" party, let me know and I'll scoot.

6:37:00 PM  
Blogger realist said...

the last addendum: I read "Bread lines in Paradise", and Libby who is one of the moderators wants me gone. So this is my last comment. Bye.

6:39:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

Name one? Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. No, the reason I want Fox to have competition is so that they can't get away with lying. Nobody is discussing "whomping" them but you." You simply can't be stupid enough to think that approaching a one man ownership of all news sources serves the purposes of democracy, freedom or anything else we all hold dear, so what's your game? Competition amongst news services tends to make all sides heard and tends to resist censorship - GET IT?

Am I making it simple enough for you?

9:36:00 AM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...


No I think he's a different troll. The other guy was nastier. This one is just confused.

9:38:00 AM  

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