Sunday, October 15, 2006

Presumed guilty

I'm way ahead of the NYT on the "torture bill." They finally weigh in with an editorial on the subject and make many of the same points I've been making. I especially like this line though.
It prohibits claims of habeas corpus — the ancient right of prisoners in just societies to have their detentions reviewed — or any case based directly or indirectly on the Geneva Conventions.
In "just societies." In my years at the law firm I often complained that justice no longer existed in our system, except for those who could afford to buy it. Who could have ever dreamed that this administration would not only make a mockery of justice, but actually send it to the morgue along with the half a million innocent civilians that now rest below the ground in Iraq?

And the Times is still behind me with this remark.
Our nation is outraged when an authoritarian government jails an American, or one of its own citizens, on trumped-up charges and brings him or her before a phony court.
I guess they aren't reading The Impolitic over there or they would have noticed that our Generals are apparently demanding our citizens be executed for the political convenience of the White House.
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