Friday, December 30, 2005

The Abramoff Files

The scandal continues to unravel, exposing a web of corruption so vast as to be almost incomprehensible. The WaPo does a good job today in tracing the many tentacles of the beast called Abramoff. By the time the last rock is turned over, Beltway insiders are predicting a mass indictment the likes of which have not been seen in generations.

The prosecution is pressing its deadline for a deal and it appears at this point that those ensnared by the fine attentions of the lobbyist's lobbyist are going to learn the same lesson many a second wife has learned. If he cheated on his first wife to be with you, chances are he'll betray you down the line. And when Jack cracks, the reprecussions will resound far and wide across the land.

I'm predicting the only surprise will be just how many right wing pundits were on his payroll.
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