Sunday, September 11, 2005

Throw the bums out

Today's WaPo speculates that Katrina's fallout will carry over into the midterm elections. I suspect they're right and both parties should be worried. Although it appears the Dems may have finally found some spine, it may be too little too late for the DINOs (Democrats in name only) like Joe Lieberman who have been kissing administration butt for the last five years.

The public dissatisfaction with Congress runs deeper than Lake George in NOLA. The Dems had better do some heavy dredging of their own nearly indistinguishable agenda, if they expect to benefit from the incompetency and deceit of the White House revealed by the storm.

I've said this before but it's worth repeating. Now is the time for third party candidates to step to the podium with a serious and discernable alternate platform. They'll never get a better chance than this to build a better America.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am more disappointed with my Democratic leaders than I am with the Republicans. After all, Bush and his cabal have never made any bones about what they are and who they represent. Democrats, on the other hand, are supposed to dislay a modicum of ethics and morality, and a connection to real people as opposed to corporations. Where are the Democratic Party leaders? None seem to be as outraged as their constitutents about the Iraq War or the miserable FEMA response to Katrina, or even the Plame investigation.

2:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen Susie. I'm much more angry at the Dems than the neo-cons. As you say, in a way they're more honest about their agenda.

3:16:00 PM  

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