Sunday, August 21, 2005

Camp Casey in Salt Lake City?

I have to say that although I really like the mayor is calling for an antiwar demo, I think it was wrong for him to use his office as a platform for his personal political views. As a mayor elected to represent the views of his city, it wasn't appropriate. It's not his job to question the president in this manner. That's why we have senators and congressmen.
Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson called for "the biggest demonstration this state has ever seen" to protest President Bush's appearance Monday before a national veterans convention.

"This administration has been disastrous to the country," Anderson said Friday. "If people could organize and speak out in an effective manner from the reddest state in the country, that would garner a lot of attention."

In an e-mail Wednesday to about 10 activist leaders, the maverick mayor of Utah's capital called for a diverse demonstration to greet Bush when he speaks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars at the Salt Palace Convention Center. The mayor plans to join the protesters.
He should not have not been the one to organize the action, although I think it's fine for him to show up as a speaker. Nonetheless I think it says a lot about the public temperment in Utah that he felt it was politically safe to do so.

There's a lot of speculation about what Cindy Sheehan will or will not do for the peace movement. I'm no clairvoyant. I don't know what the future holds but I can see what she's done so far. She made it safe for ordinary Americans to speak up. All of sudden they looked around, saw they weren't alone and started talking to each other.
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