Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Best, the Brave and the Chickenhawks

So I haven't been promoting Operation Yellow Elephant mainly because with 3 1/2 blogs, I barely have time to post, much less read everything. Anyway I finally got over there today and I like what they're doing a lot. It's fun to participate in things like this.

Here's what I sent to Michael Marcavage:
I read about your courage in confronting the Gay Men's Chorus. We need men of your bravery to fight the evil ones "there" so we don't have to fight them "here."

Please help our country in this noble cause and enlist forthwith to fight the war on homosexual terrorists.

Patriot Americans are depending on men like you.
I signed in as Betsy Ross from Freedom, KY, but left my real email. Wonder if he'll write me back.
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