Friday, July 08, 2005

Rove emerges for a meal

Well, we at the Alliance may have balls of brass but Rove's are made of cast iron. You have to wonder how he dragged those puppies with him to attend a luncheon with the big cheese at the WaPo yesterday. He had a lot to say about the Supreme Court nominations [scroll down], which now appear will be coming in a pair as well with Rehnquist's retirement rumored to come tomorrow.

The Lord of the Lies had "no comment" to make about the rumors swirling around his own treasonous acts but remained on message, at one point referring to the US AG as "Justice Gonzales." He issued a warning to Dems, saying ideology would not constitute the "extraordinary circumstances" to trigger a filibuster under the White House rules.

One assumes he crawled back under his rock after lunch.
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