Thursday, June 09, 2005

Get Mad

Well, with three blogs and trying to get my garden finished I haven't been getting around the blogosphere much lately so it's been far too long since I've linked to the deliciously amusing Mad Kane. Mad brings reason and rhyme to her poetic political analysis and has a great take on the Raich decision that starts with this stanza.
How dare you smoke that evil grass!
Your pain is no excuse.
The doctor who prescribed your weed,
We'll string up with a noose.

Read the rest of that but keep scrolling to my favorite. It's about the nuclear option compromise and should be sung to the tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home." It starts like this.
The "moderates" made a voting pact.
We're screwed, we're screwed.
The "moderates" got their power back.
We're screwed, we're screwed.

Hilarious but incisive stuff on the site and while you're there check out her new discussion forum. It looks like it's hopping already.
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Blogger Mad Kane said...

Thanks so much for your nice words about my political humor.

12:32:00 AM  

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