Monday, May 30, 2005

The MSM on Memorial Day

The Baltimore Sun has a good editorial for the day. Best paragraph.
At the beginning of the Iraq war, Pfc. Jessica Lynch's story was so overspun and distorted as to become ridiculous. In Afghanistan, we now know, Ranger Pat Tillman was mistakenly killed by U.S. soldiers, but the Army seized upon his death to try to create a fighting legend - out of whole cloth. These PR blunders serve neither of those soldiers well. Lies have marked these wars from the beginning, and besides being ultimately self-defeating, they are an affront to all Americans, most especially those whose bravery and sacrifice have gone unheralded.
The Detroit News also has a good piece on remembering the soldiers that ends with these timely words.
Compared to scandals such as those in Abu Ghraib prison, little attention is given to the battle service and risks shouldered by the U.S. military every day.

Today's the day to remember those who died serving their country. Congress should also take a second look at policies that give horse trails a higher priority than veterans' benefits.
And the Chicago Tribune posts a moving profile piece on what it's like for one of the 1,800 families who have lost loved ones in either the war on Iraq or Afghanistan. In the words of a mother who lost her 27 year old son in the last year.
"To a lot of people, it's just a holiday," said Barbara Zimny, a hospital secretary. "Not anymore for us. You have to go through the experience to know."
I would think it's rather difficult to feel like celebrating while you're still grieving your dead.
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