Saturday, May 28, 2005

Help "After Downing Street" Hold Bush Accountable

Following up on this post, I'm proud and honored that The Impolitic has been accepted as a supporter at After Downing and has been listed on their sidebar. They even made a button for me, so it would be really cool if you kind folks would go over there and help out by participating in whatever way you can.

First and foremost, and the simplest thing you can do is sign Congressman John Conyers letter to President Bush, asking him to explain to America why he shouldn't be impeached based on the contents of the Downing Street Memo and its related minutes and other documents. Here at last is a concrete way the ordinary citizen can contribute towards finally squeezing some accountability from this administration. The more voters that sign, the more difficult it will be for Bush and the MSM to ignore this request.

I signed last night. It took about ten seconds and I have to tell you it feels good to speak truth to power, even as just a signatory. As they say around the Media Awareness Project: "It's not what others do, it's what you do."
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