Thursday, September 02, 2010

Sheriff Joe Arpaio sued by US DoJ

One bright spot in the news today. Our government is suing Joe Arpaio, Arizona's King Cretin and the worst sheriff in the world.
Reporting from Denver — The U.S. Department of Justice on Thursday sued a controversial and popular Arizona sheriff, alleging that his department was refusing to cooperate with an investigation into whether it discriminated against Latinos while trying to catch illegal immigrants.

The Justice Department said that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was the first local law enforcement official in 30 years to refuse to provide documents in a federal civil rights inquiry. The federal government could withhold $113 million in funding from Maricopa County if Arpaio can't produce records demonstrating that he avoids racial discrimination.
Of course, he can't produce those records because his whole life's work has revolved around discrimination against Latinos.

Meanwhile, he's painting himself as a victim of a politically motivated witch hunt and swears he'll never cooperate. What the hell. He's gotten away with giving the justice system a finger many times before. I dream of the day when someone figures out how to clap his vile butt in the same jail as the victims of his sadistic vendettas.

[More posts daily at the Detroit News.]


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote - "I dream of the day when someone figures out how to clap his vile butt in the same jail as the victims of his sadistic vendettas." Violent tendencies,eh? That is the same talk that you rail on other groups for.

As for Sheriff Joe, are you saying that people in his jail aren't guilt or were denied due process? He is representing the people that elected him. They keep electing him - if they didn't agree he would be voted out.

3:46:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

Hmm - so beating up suspects and harassing the innocent and driving people out of town because of their race is all right, but because someone wants him to go to jail with due process for unconstitutional acts, that's an equal offense so you're being fair and balanced. Do you read what you write?

Too bad we don't have one of those signs they have at Disney -- your IQ must be THIS high to post here.

Honestly, whoever told you you're smart enough to have a worthwhile opinion should be jailed also and along with whoever you're getting your "opinions" from.

You do know our form of government is designed primarily to provide balance against the rule of the mob, don't you? People can't be excused for doing wrong because their constituents like it. That's why we are supposed to have an independent judiciary and that's why Republicans are against an independent judiciary of late. They're using people like you to take control.

10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capt Fogg - I didn't make a personal attack against you. I don't deserve the very personal attached you made against me. One comment about violent tendencies and you want to jail people and question my IQ.

The lawsuit by the DOJ does not indicate specific allegation and does not alledge a 'beatings'. There are general discrimation charges. Does he need to be investigated - yes based on evidence? Do I consider the DOJ an independent judiciary - no?
That is what the courts are for and the courts have ruled for and against the Sheriff.

But when he gets sued because he isn't allowing Playboy as inmates were mastrubating in front of female officers - that is wrong.

We also had to endure the rhetoric about the Arizona immigration bill and how it allows discrimation when that bill specifically outlaws it (you can question how that is enforced) about yet Federal immigration law does allow for it. That rarely came up in the conversation about the AZ bill.

11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Too bad we don't have one of those signs they have at Disney -- your IQ must be THIS high to post here.

Honestly, whoever told you you're smart enough to have a worthwhile opinion should be jailed also and along with whoever you're getting your "opinions" from."

Classy blog - makes me what to post here but as I see 'comment moderation' is enabled - I'm sure this won't be published.

6:01:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

You're certainty seems misplaced yet another time.

"Federal immigration law does allow for it"

I'm not sure you can back that up with a plurality of constitutional lawyers.

Yes, it's getting hostile and once again, half the problem is that I don't know which troll I'm addressing and this cistern is full of them. If you're not the one who took some offhand comment about guns and used it to construct some enormous thing out of straw, psychobabble and sexual innuendo, then perhaps I should be only 76.5% as annoyed at the condescending, pedantic attitude from someone who as far as I can tell is no more qualified than the guy who washes my boat.

Yes, it's annoying as hell when I get rhetoric about the dictatorship of the masses posing as an argument that democracy has gone wrong, and much of this stuff would be insulting to most anyone. Please remember that someone anonymous showed up with a barrel full of insults and a huge crock of condescension and I still don't know why any of you have any claim to any expertise of any sort about anything at all other than perhaps being employed by some PAC or Stink Tank.

3:35:00 PM  

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