Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Return moral citizens to office

Granted this guy probably doesn't stand a chance of winning, but more proof that the Tea Party is really just far right Republicans in funny hats.
Eric W. Deaton, a Constitution Party candidate for U.S. Senate, was indicted Tuesday, Aug. 31, for unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, according to Greg Flannagan, spokesman for Montgomery County Prosecutor Mathias H. Heck Jr.

Deaton said he has Tea Party backing. His website lists endorsements from Liberty Candidates, Mansfield Tea Party and Akron Tea Party, along with a national group called Vote Family Values.

A poster pictured on his website says he supports fiscal responsibility, balanced and centered government, honoring founding principles. The poster also says, “Return moral citizens to office.”
Innocent until proven guilty of course, but who would be surprised if he was convicted?

[More posts daily at the Detroit News.]
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you are fine with Democrats being indicated on Felony Obscenity charges -

8:56:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

"So you are fine with Democrats being indicated on Felony Obscenity charges"

Since there is no indication or any hint of indication that your assumption arises from the post you're commenting on, one can only assume that you're trying to excuse one party by saying that another party is not innocent.

I can assume with equal hypocrisy then that you're fine with Charles Manson since you haven't spoken a word about the "son of Sam?"

Yes, of course, no Republican can be accused of anything because you have some Democrat you can use to excuse him regardless of which side is more heavily laden with criminals -- what are you, 4 years old?

9:35:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Fogg you infinite patience in knocking their straw men never ceases to impress.

9:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A republican can be accused and should be held accountable if guilty. The same as a democratic or any other individual.

The post was about 'Return moral citizens to office -
Granted this guy probably doesn't stand a chance of winning, but more proof that the Tea Party is really just far right Republicans in funny hats. "

There is nothing to show how 'moral' the democratic candiate is but rather sterotyping of the right.

Libby and now you don't seem to accept that both parties have 'bad apples' and want to claim 'moral candidates' for the left and resort to name calling.

I merely asked if she was throwing stones at a Republican candidate for sexual based charges, how does she feel about a democratic in a similar situation?

Back in June, Libby's blogs were supporting his campaign (but not on a personal level). But she wrote ' let me be clear that I'm pretty sure Alvin is a scumbag with a lot of dirty secrets that will probably land him in jail eventually. But doesn't that describe just about every Republican officeholder in South Carolina and maybe the whole country?'

I do take offense to claims of 'every republican' being a criminal but yet you ignore the wrong doings of democrats. Not all republicans are criminals just as not all democrats are.

But where are you questioning your own candidates?

Throwing Charles Manson into a political debate is irrelevant - why would I even bring up 'son of sam'? Are you afraid to really debate the issues? Just like Libby, eh?

4:05:00 PM  

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