Thursday, September 27, 2012

Conservatives don't like nice

Thing about the GOP base, especially the 27%ers, is they see being polite as a weakness. They want to see their opponent in a bloody pulp on the floor. Not sure if this crowd reaction at a Romney rally was solely because of this line in Mittanic's speech:
"Look, I know the president cares about America and the people of this country," he told the roughly 3,500 supporters gathered in a convention center here. "He just doesn't know how to help them. I do. I'll get this country going again."
Maybe they look that way through the whole thing. Their expressions are an exquisite mix of skepticism, boredom, irritation and disgust.

By all means, click the link for the large version of the photo. It's worth ten million words.

[More posts daily at the Detroit News.]

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