Monday, March 01, 2010

On with the show

No sooner had the GOPers walked out the door from the Health Care Summit last week than they started in on their new narrative about the Dems "ramming through" reform through reconcilliation. The ultimate post in response to this has already been written by Tao.
The majority party was pushing the largest entitlement expansion since the Great Society. The minority attempted byzantine legislative maneuvers to obstruct the vote. The majority never relented, even taking unprecedented action to ram the bill through Congress."
Just go read it. The punchline is awesome. [Via Shaw + SoBeale]

This is a little old, but you may have missed it. Kind of amusing. This is what happens if you listen to Limbaugh.

This is an interesting new project, a union for the unemployed.

Haven't watched this yet but it was passed on to me billed as "A magically good short film, w/ fantastic soundtrack - A Day in the Life of NYC, in miniature.

Fascinating, 14th century Taoist murals in a remote Chinese temple.

Picked up this list during the tsunami. Posting it now so I can check to see if any of these live stream Hawaiian webcams are still working.

Yet another hummingbird webcam. This one is the mama sitting a new egg.

And this is my favorite link of the weekend. For those old enough to remember going to the drive-in regulalry, the intermission videos were always delightful. I recall a lot of these in this archived footage and there appear to be more links at the main page.

[More posts daily at The Detroit News]

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