Friday, May 16, 2008

Screening room

by Capt. Fogg

I spent much of yesterday afternoon in a hospital waiting room with CNN blaring on the small screen and after reading everything from half a dozen elderly Field and Stream issues to the current Working Mother Magazine, I had to give up on the printed word and pay attention to the blather. I rarely watch CNN any more and if you wonder why, it's because in three hours, all I heard from them other than advertising, was about "John McCain's vision for the future" and the terribly, terribly important overturn of a gay marriage ban in California again and again like some fast paced version of Groundhog Day.

"Many people are concerned that we need more conservatives in government so that we won't have judges who decide this way" was nearly the entirety of the commentary, the balance was the observation that it was the Constitution (hence not the judges) that stood in the way of preserving the "sanctity" of marriage. Regardless of the now apparently reduced sanctity of my own marriage, I continued to wait for my dear wife to have her X-ray with undiminished dedication.

Sanctity, of course is indeed a subject that our Federal Constitution excludes from the business of government. Establishing religious rules or laws based on religious rules is specifically forbidden and not applying any laws in a discriminatory fashion, whether based on religious taboos or not, has long been established in the law. What does CNN mean to imply here: that we should get rid of that nasty secular Democracy thing so we can all be holy? What else can we infer?

And then there was John McCain's vision for the future. It seems rather blurry even for his 71 year old eyes, but then any serious predictions of a brave, new Republican World had better be blurry lest it appear too much like the cowardly old Republican World we've been suffering through at length. The "war" will be "won," sayeth John, quoting from the Gospel of Nixon. Of course he's right, since the war was won 5 years ago. What continues is the occupation of a hostile country and occupations are never won but maintained only at tremendous and usually increasing cost.

None of this seems to have left a trace, at least on CNN or Perhaps it's because of some fleeting sense of embarrassment or perhaps there are so many new inanities and so little time, but my sense of despair remains. No story hits the street save through such sources and no story is told without the Greek Chorus of hysterical idiots making it into something to stir the primitives to frenzy.

Maybe the public isn't as stupid as they appear. Perhaps the West Virginians John Stuart featured Wednesday night who told us they wouldn't vote for Obama because "we've had so much conflict with the Other Race" or "I've had enough of Hooooo-sayn" or "He's a Moslim" don't represent the rest of us, but the fate of old optimists like me is to become an old pessimist like me.

Cross posted from Human Voices

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Blogger rockync said...

Your whole post really boils down to exposing the hate and ignorance of Neanderthal America. Where the hell have all the human beings gone and why are the Morlocks out in daylight?
Marriage - not an exclusively religious institution but rather a legal one. I'd be happy for all gays to be married - they have all the benefits without any of the hassle. While they have two paychecks, so far they have not been penalized by the IRS for being married, are not responsible for their spouse's debts and do nothing to support all the divorce lawyers in this country. So, I say let them join us in this wild and crazy patnership we call marriage! Since there is still a separation of church and state, churches can still choose who they will marry and who they will not. Hey, it's not my thing, but who am I to say that it can't be their thing? Perhaps if gays were allowed to mainstream we would not have to keep hearing all the blather about "our lifestyle" and they would become another faction of our society, like senior citizens; Why does your choice of sexual partner HAVE to be a "lifestyle" for cryin' out loud? And if they want to adopt, I think that is a fine idea. There are a lot of older children and special needs kids who would love a home and most could probably care less if both parents were the same gender. Gays are not pedophiles - pedophiles are pedophiles. Sometimes I just want to scream at all the ignorance, intolerance and hate around me.
And talk about a guy who doesn't have a clue; McCain needs to totter home and continue being his rich wife's kept husband. Perhaps he can take up basketweaving.
Some days, I just want to move to a mountain top, far, far away...

12:00:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

I've already got mine picked out - it's on an island, far, far away.

12:35:00 PM  
Blogger rockync said...

I really like the idea of an island until the typhoons and hurricanes wind up...

5:59:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

A mountain by the sea. That's always been my life's dream.

6:55:00 PM  
Blogger rockync said...

Now that's an interesting combo, Libby -- where can we find a mountain by the sea that's not on an island and doesn't get to 10 below zero? Find that and I'll give it serious consideration.

10:32:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

LOL. Still looking Rocky although Tulum fits that description in a way, it still does have the hurricane problem. Hard to escape bad weather. Everybody has something. Still beats the hell out of blizzards if you ask me.

7:38:00 AM  
Blogger QueersOnTheRise said...

Gay marriage - a travesty and a sick joke!

8:09:00 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Yeah Tricky, and think of all those gerbils.

Only time I ever watch the tube is when the tires are being swapped, and it takes all of 5 minutes to remember why I don't watch it the rest of the time.
Me? My lovely wife and I ARE moving to the mountains this fall to get some land and build a (hopefully) log home with a big picture window facing the San Juans or the La Sals.

8:42:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Sounds lovely Nolo. Good luck with the project.

12:07:00 PM  
Blogger Capt. Fogg said...

Sounds like paradise, but I would miss my boat too much. In a way, it's my "cabin" and I can locate it anywhere.

My marriage of 25 years would have been a felony when I was a teenager. The same idiotic arguments, biblical and otherwise were offered in support of "misogyny" laws. I do not think my marriage is threatened if all people are treated equally under the law. If yours is, you're secretly gay and now we all know.

2:21:00 PM  

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