Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hume defames Plame with false smear

If this isn't defamation, I'd like to know what is. Brit Hume libels Valerie Plame , falsely accusing her of lying under oath to Congress. I know the Fox News team isn't famous for its intelligence, but any bean brain could have checked the record and discovered that the bi-partisan report most certainly did not find Plame sent her husband on the Niger trip.

Hume references an addendum to that report, written by 3 GOP senators who wrongly interpreted testimony by a witness and then refused the man's request to be recalled before the committee in order to correct the record. Hume not only could have confirmed, but as a member of the media most certainly was obligated to confirm that fact before he made such scurrilous public allegations against Plame.

I generally think our society has become much too litigious but this is one time I wish that Plame would sue the pants off Hume and Fox News - who allowed their newscaster to broadcast such irresponsible blather.

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Blogger nolocontendere said...

Fox. Sucks.
I was listening to a local station last night that unfortunately channels the suck station at the top of the hour and listened as they pulled out all the stops in denigrating the antiwar demonstrations. That didn't surprise me, how infantile their efforts were did. They may be dumbing themselves down even further as they retreat into their mouthbreathing base.

7:22:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

I think the group of true believers is shrinking Nolo and as a result they're getting more shrill.

8:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

slightly OT: I was talking with some right wingers about those niger forgeries and had a chance to read a little of them, just from the wiki thing. it occured to me that bus hsaid "saddam has sought significant quantities of uranium..." he never said what those quantities were. now this gets a little tedious

the right wing spin is that the iraqi diplomat was known to be in niger and all niger has to sell is uranium. that's fine. wilson said that in his article.

but then where did the "significant quantities" come from. figure of speech? What EXACTLY were these quantities. 5 ounces? a million tons?

so far, the ONLY source I can find that lists ANY amount, 500 tons, are those forgeries.

It seems to me that has to be where bush got that line.

10:57:00 AM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

The Niger trip along with Armitage's sudden burst of memory are red herrings to deflect attention from the fact that the White House actively conspired to destroy Wilson and his wife out of revenge and to discredit him for exposing the truth about their lies.

It would have really screwed up their war if anybody had really listened to Wilson. We wouldn't still be there today and Bush wouldn't be president for the second time.

3:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know. I agree. But I think they screwed up with "significant quantities". that clearly alludes to the forgeries. they are claiming otherwise. I'd like to know exactly what quantities bush was referring too

5:38:00 PM  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

So would I like to know Lester, along with a lot of other things.

9:20:00 PM  

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