Sunday, October 02, 2005

Read but not blogged

Older stuff that's still worth reading.

Radley Balko on repealing the federal drinking age. I agree. Raising the age over 18 did more harm than good.

TV weatherman thinks the federal government is manipulating the weather. Interesting, the other link on a gov't program called HAARP I was going to use here is now a forbidden page. Anyway I was going to say anything is possible.

In case you missed it, Killer Dolphins.

The Padilla case didn't get enough attention at all.
The 4th Circuit Court ruled in favor of the Bush administration which claimed that it had the right to indefinitely imprison an American citizen without charging him with a crime. The resulting verdict confers absolute authority on the President to incarcerate American citizens without charge and without any legal means for the accused to challenge the terms of his detention. It is the end of "inalienable rights", the end of The Bill of Rights, and the end of any meaningful notion of personal liberty.
A FEMA camp in Oklahoma.

The latest from The White House insane asylum.

Mesmerizing public art in the Czech Republic. It's a real pisser.
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