Truth stranger than fiction

Wonkette tells us they outright laughed at the President yesterday but Preemptive Karma has the last word on the press corps antics of the day.
I was just thinking yesterday that if noses really grew like Pinocchio, the Bush administration would have to hire Paul Bunyan to keep them trimmed enough to get through doors. And how funny would it be if they all turned into donkeys like the wicked boys did on Pleasure Island?Q: What about the RNC, though, Scott?PREEMPTIVE KARMA: I am going to repeat the same non-sequitor and get very irriated with you for asking a question about the RNC. Besides, I can't talk about it. If I do, the nice man who controls my mouth levers will never allow me to become a real boy.
MR. McCLELLAN: No, I said, I'm not going to get into discussing matters relating to an ongoing investigation. We'll let the investigation come to a conclusion, and then I'll be more than happy to talk about it, as will the President.
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