Jonathan Zachary Souweine

From the Caring Bridge page: Surrounded by his family Jonathan passed peacefully at 2:30pm today. Isaac was with us on the phone from Singapore. With much feeling Daniel read him The Highwaymen - the poem he loved reading to the boys. We read the Mary Oliver poem that Libby Robbie brought. We sang O- Zi - v' zimrat ya with fervor. He was ready. We were ready. We will miss him beyond what words can express. Your thoughts and prayers and admiration of JZS hold us. ~Jude
The family is much stronger than I am. I can't talk about it yet.
Man, it's always tough to lose someone. My thoughts go out to you.
Thanks Steve.
Dear Libby, please accept my condolences for your loss. How is your step mom? Recovering and on the mend, I hope?
Thanks 8pus. Mom made it through surgery. It was more complicated than they expected. As of 11:00pm last night she still hadn't gained consciousness but was holding her own. Prognosis looks pretty good though.
Sorry, Libby, he seems like some one worth knowing - and best vibes for your step mom, this is a jewish celebration of creation today, maybe that will help.
Thanks Ruth.
All my best to you and the family, Libby. Take care.
Sorry to hear about your loss, Libby.
Thanks for the support.
Sorry for your loss. Hope the family's OK.
Thanks Cosa. The family has had a long time to come to terms with it and they're a very close knit strong group. They're probably handling it better than me.
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